Making the commitment to get healthy has to start somewhere and yoga is a great place to start. Keep in mind, that yoga is not a one size fits all. Although the trend in western culture for yoga classes is one towards harder and harder classes, we like to take a completely different approach. In our classes we use therapeutic principles supported by science and apply them to yoga postures so that you learn a safe and effective way to practice.
Our approach is to reverse the body’s natural tendency towards imbalance by slowly building strength and flexibility in the right areas to keep you healthy, injury-free, and able to continue the activities you enjoy. We advocate home practice and feel this is critically important to refine your body’s nuances for long-lasting benefits.
This multi-series program allows you to explore yoga at your own pace and lays out a path to move to the next level when you’re ready.
At this time we’re offering the level 1 series and anticipate the level 2 series will be offered in 2021.